Job Descriptions for Committee Chairs
Art Show Co-Chairs: Assure all chair positions are filled and individuals understand their responsibilities. Appoint treasurer and review balance and expenditures. Lead decision-making process regarding major aspects of Show. Remain updated on all aspects of planning by calling meetings or meeting with individual committee chairs or PC staff as necessary.
In-House Printing: Orders supplies for name tags and artwork labels, creates labels using information from catalog spreadsheet. Creates email invites and thank you notes.
Treasurer: Collects registration forms and checks, tallies checks and deposits in bank account. Passes registration forms to person doing catalog. Reimburses expenses. Keeps log of all income and expenses and provides final fiscal report to President.
Publicity: Promotes Art Show through articles/alerts in newsletter and flyers. Helps choose and use art show logo for publicity. Designates and oversees one or two photographers to document show for use in newsletter, website, etc.
Catalog/Database Chair(s): Enters information from entry forms into database for the catalog, all art show-related lists, including labels, etc. Coordinates with PC Office and outside vendor to produce show catalog.
Intake: Coordinates team of volunteers to receive art prior to show at Pavilion and Harbor Club. Cross-checks names and art work with master list. Team inspects art to confirm good condition for hanging or display and make sure labels are attached.
Art installation: Coordinates team of 10 volunteers to sort, hang and label artwork in cohesive and attractive displays at Pavilion and Harbor Club.
Refreshments: Purchases beverages, snacks and supplies and coordinates 16 volunteers to serve during show at Pavilion and Harbor Club. Sets up refreshments at both locations and monitors supplies for possible restocking.
Floral Arrangements: Creates flower arrangements for the Pavilion and Harbor Club shows.
Artist Reception: Works with team of volunteers to plan and coordinate reception for exhibiting artists on the eve of the Art Show. Team reserves location, sets up and decorates venue, buys and serves refreshments, secures entertainment and oversees cleanup.
Greeters: Coordinates volunteers to greet visitors at Art Show entrance (Pavilion and Harbor Club) who also provide artist contact information to those wanting to buy art.
Entertainment: Selects volunteer musicians to fill four hours each day of art show.